The Harbor Blog
Musings on theology, justice, and pop culture.
New posts every Wednesday (except for weeks of major US holidays).
A new year
What are good spiritual intentions and resolutions for a new year? For me, I’ve let go of “Read the Bible more” and shifted my focus to presence.
Harbor 2024 holiday schedule
All the dates of when we are and aren’t meeting over the end-of-year 2024 holidays.
All I want for Christmas is… Dietrich Bonhoeffer?
With the new movie Bonhoeffer, the 20th-century German pastor is all the rage. But what should we actually learn from his story?
“I need to be with you all”
We need your help to be the safe place people land when they are leaving high control religion or looking for others with the same questions about faith in their lives.
What is God?
I’ve been hearing a lot of folks wrestling with the foundational question: What is God? Here are some thoughts from our recent Harbor gatherings.
Be brave, brave, brave
A reward in heaven, frankly, doesn’t mean much to me in the face of so much suffering in my present. That being said, I am grateful that Jesus places me and us in the line of the persecuted prophets, and that by being “blessed,” God’s solidarity with us is assured.