It’s that time of year again

Ah, the season of giving. Getting dinner tables ready and buying plane tickets. Looking for the perfect gifts and donating to charities.

Yes. You guessed it. This is a post about giving. BUT WAIT!

We (Jon, Dottie, and myself) have all had to listen to multiple sermon series on giving. We have had the regular reminders that “God loves a cheerful giver,” had envelope boxes shoved in our hands, been pressured to give a certain amount, listened to testimonies about “Why I Give,” and watched as the “big givers” were recognized while hours of unpaid labor were ignored. 

And, so, we have worked really hard to make this, well, not that.

We are a non-profit start-up which means we rely on monthly donations as well as grants to show up and build this amazing community. We have to highlight that need occasionally to keep us afloat. But we also know that money is a really difficult topic and a traumatic trigger for those of us who were coerced to give far beyond our means to a church community. 

Here are some of our guiding principles when it comes to seeking financial support from donors:

Transparency: Our financial statements are available to anyone who asks, not just donors. Just email one of us and we will put you in touch with the treasurer. These statements include categorized expenditures as well as all sources of income. 

Time limited: We are always in need of financial support. That being said, we are only going to ask for donations at specific times in the year. We will let you know when it is happening so you can choose your level of engagement.

No expectations, no rewards: We will not ask you to give a specific amount or a specific percentage. We are grateful for every dollar we receive and take it as a sign of faith in us—which we do not take for granted. There are no giving levels and no rewards for giving a higher amount. 

We are available: Is all this talk of money triggering? Do you know ways we could do this better? You can email us or book a time with us and we will be there to listen and work with you.

Now, about that transparency. Let me share a few more things about Harbor as our financial year is coming to an end.

80% of our current income comes from grants from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Church of Christ. We are only eligible for these grants until mid-2025. The other 20% comes from individual donations.

We are growing and boy are we growing! We are seeing new people almost every week. People are finding us as they look for a place to ask questions and to heal. We want to increase our co-pastors’ capacities to support everybody who needs it and our platforms to be even more accessible.

And we have more we want to do. We long to see each other in person so next year’s budget (and we hope every budget after) will include a retreat and travel support. We want to give more to our justice partners around the world. And we want to financially support individuals who need a leg up with groceries, medication, or unexpected expenses. 

If you are looking at your giving as the year draws to a close, I hope you will think of us, too. There are so many needs in this world, and we know we are incredibly fortunate. Thank you for considering us.

If you’ve made it this far (bless you) and you are saying, “I just don’t have it,” please, take a deep breath and a big hug from us. We love you. You are part of this community. Thank you for all the ways you bless us by being you. 

You can contact me (Dawn), Dottie, or Jon anytime. To become a monthly donor or make a one-time donation, here is our giving page.


Who, or what, is God?


Special guest: Debie Thomas