The Harbor Blog
Musings on theology, justice, and pop culture.
New posts every Wednesday (except for weeks of major US holidays).
Hagar the Hero
By following the lead of womanist theologians and centering Hagar in our readings of Gen. 16 and 21, we see her heroic qualities as a model for faith.
Civil rights hero Bernard Lafayette
Guest blogger Jim Melson describes the incredible impact of Civil Rights Movement leader Dr. Bernard Lafayette, who embraced nonviolence as a way of life and a matter of faith.
Womanist theology
When womanists practice theology, they centre the experiences of Black women including the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and class.
What the new Spider-Man video game taught me about death
Almost anything can bring up our pain, questions, or learnings from the journey of reimagining faith. Including friendly neighborhood heroes.
Writing my own rule
I was taught the rules were there to make us a stronger community, to guide all of us into being a more loving and truer expression of the Body of Christ. I thought the rules would protect me and my vulnerable friends. Until they didn’t.
The spiritual discipline of hope
What do we do when we feel despair? How do we cultivate hope? It turns out that hope is a spiritual discipline.